Linda Snow-Griffin, Ph.D. retired after thirty years from her private psychology practice in Cincinnati, Ohio. She worked with children and adults and specialized in hypnosis, trauma, and cognitive interventions. She has been active in the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and the Cincinnati Society of Clinical Hypnosis. She is a member of the Cincinnati Academy of Professional Psychology, Ohio Psychological Association, and the American Psychological Association. She served for seven years on the Butler County Mental Health Board. Prior to living in Ohio, she directed the counseling center at Eckerd College and was a staff psychologist and EAP Director at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

Presently she is finding ways to advocate for mental health by making presentations and writing journal articles and blogs. She is available for presentations about issues related to schizophrenia recovery, the stigma of mental illness, and mental health caregiver needs. See Contact.

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